Ohio Department of Natural Resources/Registrations
You may renew your registrations on-line for your convenience!
Watercraft Forms
Listed below is information to help you be prepared when it is time to register your boat. For a complete listing of Ohio Boating Laws and Rules please go to watercraft.ohiodnr.gov
Titling requirements in the State of Ohio
Before boating on Ohio's waterways your boat must be properly titled, if required, and registered. A boat requiring a title may not be registered until a title is issued in the new owners name. Boat titles are issued from a county title office.
Watercraft & Outboard Motors that require a title in Ohio
* an outboard motor of 10 horsepower or greater
* a watercraft 14 feet or greater in length
* a watercraft less than 14 feet in length with a permanently affixed mechanical means of propulsion of 10 horsepower or greater
Watercraft that are exempt from this titling requirement
* vessels documented by the United States Coast Guard
* kayaks and canoes ( includes rowing sculls / racing shells)
* watercraft less than 14 feet in length without a permanently affixed mechanical means of propulsion
* watercraft less than 14 feet in length with a permanently affixed mechanical means of propulsion of less than 10 horsepower
* boats from other countries temporarily using the waters in this state
* ship's lifeboat
* boats owned by government agencies
* motors less than 10 horsepower
* Sailboards (Windsurfers) are not considered a watercraft by definition. These vessels are exempt from Ohio registration and titling laws.
* Stand-up Paddleboards (SUP) do not require a title.
Some watercraft may not have needed a title when they were originally purchased. Prior to selling the watercraft, the owner must apply to a title office and obtain a title for these watercraft:
* watercraft or outboards acquired prior to October, 9 1963
* watercraft less than 14 feet long with a permanently affixed mechanical means of propulsion of 10 horsepower or greater and purchased before January 1, 2000
Please Note: Great Lakes Boat Works is a Watercraft Registration Agent.
Please take care of all Titling Requirements with your county
Title Office before applying for a registration.
Who needs to register in the State of Ohio?
According to (ORC 1547.531), No person shall operate any watercraft without a valid registration. Evidence of registration is shown by displaying two square registration tags or a rectangular tag ( Alternative Registration option only for hand powered vessels) and carrying the valid registration certificate on board the vessel.
Watercraft exempt from Registration:
* those exempt from numbering EXCEPT documented vessels
* those issued a commercial documentation and used exclusively for commercial purposes
* vessels meeting another state's registration system requirements which are used in Ohio for less than 60 days
Note: Beginning October 1, 2013 the following watercraft will be exempt from registration.
* Paddleboards
* Belly boats/float tubes
-"Belly boat" or "float tube" means a vessel that is inflatable, propelled solely by human muscular effort without using an oar, paddle or pole and designed to accommodate a single individual as an operator in such a manner that the operator remains partially submerged in the water.
Please Note: The following Special Registrations are only available through a Watercraft Field or Central Office, through the mail or online ( renewing an Alternative Registration only)
* Duplicate Registrations and Decals
* Documented Registrations
* Historic Registrations
* Free Registrations of Certain Veterans
* Free Corrections
What do you need to bring with you when registering your boat?
Proof of Ownership:
The first time a boater registers a boat in their name they must provide proof of ownership in at least one of the following forms.
Titled Boat:
* A valid Ohio title in the owner(s) name(s)
Non-titled Boat:
* Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO)
* Dealer's bill of sale
* Casual bill of sale (should include the following)
-general boat information (make, year, HIN, length, boat numbers if previously registered)
-previous owner's name and signature
-new owners name
-date of sale
* Previous owner's signed over registration
* Another state's signed over title
* Notarized affidavit of ownership (DNR 8460 Section 2) (available at GLBW)
Please check your 12-character Hull Identification Number (HIN) for accuracy. The HIN should match your proof of ownership.
When renewing a registration bring your Pre-printed Mail Renewal form or your previous registration. If you do not have these documents, bring all the information about your boat to fill out the Certified Watercraft Registration Application.
Proper Identification:
Every time a boater registers they must show one of the following:
* Drivers license
* State issued ID
* US Citizenship & Immigration Services (previously INS) document
-Green card, Certificate of Naturalization, Certificate of Citizenship, Work Visa
* Military ID
* Valid US or Canadian Passport
* State Issued Learner's Permit
* Certified Court Order
Exception: for religious reasons
* Certified copy of a birth certificate
* Copy of a Bible birth record
* Baptismal record
* Marriage document
* Notarized affidavit
Types of Registrations:
New- The boat has never been registered in the State of Ohio
Renewal- The registration has expired
Change- The owner is adding a motor to a hand-powered registration that has not yet expired.
Transfer- A new owner has purchased a boat with an expired registration and needs a full three year registration in their name.
Transfer Time Remaining- A new owner has purchased a boat with time remaining on the previous owners registration.
Boat Length Fee
* all hand powered boats $20.00
* alternative for hand powered boats $25.00
Vessels powered by motor (includes electric motors)
* all canoes with a motor $33.00
* boats less than 16' $33.00
* boats 16' to 25' 11" $48.00
* boats 26' to 39' 11" $63.00
* boats 40' to 64' 11" $78.00
* boats 65' plus $93.00
Vessels powered by sail only
* boats less than 16' $38.00
* boats 16' to 25' 11" $53.00
* boats 26' to 39" 11" $68.00
* boats 40' to 64' 11" $83.00
* boats 65' plus $98.00
Transfer time remaining
* all boats $5.00